I receive an industry newletter almost daily via my email. It was such a treat to read the very positive headline: "Believe it or not, Fewer Magazines Folding in 2009." With such high profile closures such as the most recent Gourmet plus Country Home and Best Life it seemed that all I have been reading is doom and gloom. Not to mention the other headlines such as "Newsstand Decline Contiues"
Todays article reports the surprise statistic of only 383 title closures so far in 2009 compared to a total of 613 in 2008 and 643 in 2007. There is still the fourth quarter to reckon with but that would be a sudden rush of closures to reach last years numbers. One of the other interesting statistics was that of the 259 titles to launch ( 75 of them were B2B magazines) the food category gained 14 new titles, health and fitness (13), and home (13). We must all be cocooning, exercising and hopefully eating well. Looks good for our future health perhaps!
There was also a previous article that refers to some assumptions being made on the "impact of the recession on ad pages and the consumers relationships with magazines. And those assumptions are often wrong." To my eyes reading that " magazine readership is up- up about 5 percent from 2005" is also very good news.
Enjoy your favourite magazine.