Are pulled together in Toronto.
For the last four years, the first four days in June are all about magazines. The MagNet conference in Toronto brings writers, designers, circulators, publishers, retailers, marketers and all others together. I have always attended and come away with a big picture view of the health of our industry. This year I was asked to be a panelist for a session regarding optimism on the newsstand. I had no problem doing so ( well, okay, I had no problem with the idea of doing it but I certainly was nervous) as it was easy to talk about the passion our customers have for magazines. The experience a magazine provides us is like no other. Funnily enough it is really hard to describe that "experience", as we all get something different from a magazine. We choose our favourite title as it fufills a want, an interest and a desire in each of us. Maybe that is the joy of magazines in a nutshell for there really is a magazine for everyone.
Let me know why you like a printed magazine. What is your description of experience?