How about $175.00!
I have previously been asked what is our most expensive magazine. It used to be $125.00 but about three weeks ago, Bloom arrived ( we have 2 of only 6000 published) and it was $169.00! Yesterday though, Box arrived and it is $175.00. So there you have it, our most expensive magazine.
Our staff are great! And interesting and doing their own thing. Recently Ryan was invited to submit a film of his for the 10th anniversary of the Chicago Anarchist FilmFestival. Not only was 'Danger Dead End 5' accepted but it will be the opening film of the festival's Friday evening theme of "unembedded" films. This means the filmmakers have not been officially sanctioned by the governments involved. "Embedded" journalists are attached to invading or occupying armies. Their purpose is of course to reflect the official line. The scheduled films are activist documentaries or comments on heavy handed government activity that has not been properly covered by the popular media.
Congrats Ryan.